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Joseph Barbosa Medevaced From Commercial Fishing Vessel

Posted in Fishing, News

Joseph Barbosa Medevaced From Commercial Fishing Vessel


The Coast Guard medevaced 29-year-old Joseph Barbosa from an 86-foot commercial fishing vessel off the coast of Barnegat Light after he had an asthma attack today.  Barnegat Light is off of the New Jersey coast.


Barbosa was a member of the crew aboard the Ilha Brava when something caused him to suffer respiratory distress.  His pulmonary medical issues remained unresolved even after treatment was administered on the ship.  According to Coast Guard records, the Ilha Brava was built in 1990 and is a commercial fishing vessel flying under the U.S. flag.


A helicopter crew hoisted Barbosa into a US Coast Guard helicopter and transported him to Atlanticare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City for treatment.


The causes of shipyard or other maritime occupational asthma can be many.  Abrasive blasting leading to air contaminants being released and is a major cause of lung disease in shipyard workers.  Irritant-induced reactive airway disease is a lung disorder in which workplace substances lead to breathing difficulties.  Many substances can cause an airway reaction, such as wood dust, animal dander, chemicals, fungi, bugs, and others.


Asthma is one of the more serious problems that may be caused by work-related allergy.  A severe case can be disabling.  If you or someone you care about has suffered a maritime asthma issue or other occupational illness, contact the maritime lawyers of SMSH today.

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