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Japanese Commercial Fisherman Reported Man Overboard From Alaska Victory

Posted in Fishing, News

A search is underway in Alaska after a seaman was reported man overboard from a commercial fishing vessel.

The Coast Guard is conducting the search about 110 miles west of Togiak.

A 50-year-old Japanese seaman had fallen overboard from the 226-foot fishing vessel Alaska Victory. The Coast Guard was told the man was not wearing survival gear or a life jacket.  The commercial fishing vessel was built in 1975 and flies under an American flag.

Alaskan weather conditions near the maritime accident site include 6-8 foot seas and 20 mile-per-hour winds.

The recent man overboard maritime accidents again emphasize the need for heightened safety standards and procedures in the Alaska fishing industry.  Commercial fishing is the most dangerous job in America.  The work is physically demanding, and requires long hours.  Even if you are not an American citizen, if you are working as a crewmember aboard a commercial fishing boat, maritime law protects you.  The vessel owner and/or operator can be required to pay for your medical treatment and maintenance pay until you are considered to have reached “maximum medical improvement.”

For more information and legal help with your commercial fishing accident case, contact our maritime lawyers today.

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