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Houston Maritime Lawyers Handle Seamen’s Claims for Compensation

Posted in General, Jones Act

Injured passengers and crew members of a vessel are entitled to claims for compensation from the erring ship owner or operator. While federal laws enumerate actionable offenses and provide grounds for the filing of these claims, most of these aggrieved parties, unfortunately, are not familiar with the pertinent laws for the protection of their rights and enforcement of these maritime claims. When it comes to these matters, the best way to ensure the assertion of these claims is to seek the help of a Houston maritime lawyer.

Why not hire an ordinary injury lawyer? Unlike lawyers who deal mainly with personal injury claims, a trained maritime attorney has specialized knowledge and experience in dealing with offshore injury claims, Jones Act claims and other maritime injury claims. Consulting a Houston maritime lawyer is the best recourse for enforcing these claims.

Different Types of Maritime Claims

Pursuant to the Jones Act, crew members of the vessel who are injured can file a claim for compensation for injuries incurred while on the job. The best recourse for these aggrieved parties is to consult a Houston maritime lawyer to assist them in enforcing these claims.

But unlike the Jones Act, general laws relating to maritime claims contain broader provisions relating to compensation rights. In addition, these laws impose certain responsibilities on the erring ship owner and its corresponding liabilities.

Claims for Compensation under Pertinent Maritime Laws

Crew members injured on the job may file a claim for compensation and other indemnities, regardless of who caused the injury. The amount of compensation covers maintenance allowance for day-to-day expenses and cure costs for medical- and treatment-related expenditures. To protect these compensation rights, injured parties need the help of a Houston maritime lawyer.

In the event of death, the loved ones left behind can seek the help of a Houston maritime lawyer. These representatives have legal standing in court to pursue the decedent’s claim for compensation, and a maritime attorney’s experience is vital for family’s who relied solely on the deceased worker’s income to survive. One of the compensations a family might be able to seek in this case are future earnings of the deceased worker.

What’s unfortunate is that most maritime workers don’t have sufficient legal knowledge on these matters. While the rights are there, the predicament lies in protecting and enforcing them. Due to their lack of knowledge over maritime laws and rights to compensation, most aggrieved parties are undercompensated. Avert this type of situation by consulting a Houston maritime attorney to pursue all these claims to the fullest extent allowed by law.

The maritime attorneys at Maintenance and Cure can help with a wide range of injury claims. Contact them today for a FREE consultation regarding your maritime claim.

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