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Communicable Diseases on Commercial Fishing Vessels

Posted in Fishing

Commercial fishing vessels are vital to an industry that sustains nations and provides livelihoods. However, this lifestyle routinely exposes workers to an often underestimated threat: communicable diseases. In these vessels, diseases pose not only health risks but also potentially catastrophic consequences for both seafarers and the industry at large.

The Perfect Breeding Ground for Disease

Commercial fishing requires a tight-knit crew, working together under conditions that can test the limits of human endurance. Yet these very conditions can become a double-edged sword. The cramped living quarters, common dining areas, and confined workspaces create an environment where pathogens can thrive. Communicable diseases like influenza, norovirus, tuberculosis, and hepatitis A can spread with astonishing speed, moving easily from one crew member to another. A simple cough or handshake can start a chain reaction that rapidly disrupts daily operations and sickens many.

A Duty to Protect

The responsibility to safeguard seafarers’ health falls squarely on the shoulders of vessel owners and managers. It is their moral and legal duty to create an environment that minimizes the risks associated with diseases. Providing access to medical facilities with trained personnel, maintaining stringent sanitation practices, and offering health education are extremely important. By encouraging a culture of disease prevention, commercial fishing boat owners can not only shield their crew from harm but also uphold the integrity of the maritime trade itself.

Seeking Compensation

For seamen who have suffered due to a disease contracted on a commercial fishing vessel, there may be hope for recourse. Maritime law calls for vessel owners and managers to do their part to ensure a safe working environment. In cases where these responsibilities are neglected, seafarers who have been harmed by preventable communicable diseases may qualify for financial compensation.

Contact Schechter, Shaffer and Harris, L.L.P., today for a free case consultation.

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