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Compensation Benefits: Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Posted in Jones Act, Maritime Piracy
Compensation Benefits for Maritime Employees

What are maritime injuries? A maritime employee is defined as any individual who works either on the water (a seaman, such as a ship’s captain or crew member) or along the water on the docks. When a seaman or harbor worker is injured on the job, it is considered a maritime injury.

Compensation Benefits for Maritime Employees

Unlike other industries where injured workers can simply file for benefits through their employer’s worker’s compensation insurance, benefits given to maritime employees are governed by federal maritime laws, including the Jones Act, Maintenance and Cure, and the Longshore Act.¹

Under the Jones Act, a seaman who was injured due to employer negligence can sue for appropriate damages.¹ Maintenance and Cure allows injured seamen to receive a daily allowance as well as compensation for medical bills. This compensation continues until such time that the worker is able to return to work.²

The Longshore Act applies to those maritime workers who are not seamen and do not work on the water. Benefits can include payments for disability and/or medical bills. If he or she is unable to return to work, the disabled worker is also offered vocational rehabilitation benefits. ³

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

When a maritime worker is injured significantly—particularly when one is rendered disabled for quite some time—he or she may require specialized vocational rehabilitation services to return to work. These services can include medical treatment, physical therapy, counseling, and even the provision of a personal assistant to help the worker perform daily tasks during the rehabilitation period.4

Seek the Help of a Professional Maritime Accident Lawyer from Maintenance and Cure

Whether you need vocational rehabilitation due to temporary disability or would like to seek damages for an accident caused by an unsafe workplace, it’s important to have the support and guidance of an experienced maritime lawyer.

At Maintenance and Cure, we strive to help all of our clients get the compensation benefits they deserve so that they can recover fully without struggling financially. To learn more about how we can help you with your personal maritime injury case, contact us online or call us today at 1-800-836-5830.


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